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From the 22nd of November up to the 9th of December, a marathon of CSO Orientation workshops were held in the five provinces that MeTA Zambia is operating in. These included North Western, Copperbelt, Central Lusaka and Southern Provinces. Presentations were made by pharmacists, Doctors and the MeTA Secretariat. The objective of these orientation workshops was to orient the MeTA Focus group members on the :

  1. MeTA Constitution and
  2. HSA partnership
  3. Capacity build on knowledge of SRH commodities

Civil Society Organisations will play a big role during the life of the project as they will be lead advocates, based on evidence, in policy change and implementation.

Our Location

Medicines Research and Access Platform ( MedRAP)
Plot 24  Lechwe Park
Ibex Hill
Lusaka, Zambia
+260 977 820 640
Email: info@medrapzambia.org


Visitors Counter
