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On the 31st of May 2017, Zambia was visited by the Medicines Transparency Alliance Africa Regional Coordinator, Mr. Denis Kibira. In Africa, MeTA is present in Zambia, Kenya and Uganda. On his one day stay in Lusaka, he visited the MeTA Zambia Secretariat, the Medical Stores Limited and wound that up with a working lunch at Manda Hill. His visit was to familiarise himself with the makeup of MeTA Zambia, the work being undertaken by Zambia this year as well as synchronisation of Kenya, Uganda and Zambia 2017 workplans.
Some of the details of the Zambia workplan will include workshops in June to strengthen CSOs and community opinion leaders on evidence based advocacy on sexual reproductive health rights and commodities. Another item on the agenda is training of media personnel to effectively and reliably report on availability, accessibility and affordability of sexual reproductive health commodities. These workshops will take place in July 2017. Another item is a stakeholder meeting to map out SRHR Policy and Support for MSL Hubs as well as a Sexual Reprodutive Health Commodities Survey in August 2017.

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Medicines Research and Access Platform ( MedRAP)
Plot 24  Lechwe Park
Ibex Hill
Lusaka, Zambia
+260 977 820 640


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