About Us

About Us

Medicines Research and Access Platform (MedRAP) is a Non-governmental organization duly registered under the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services in Zambia.  Our main objective is to strengthen health systems by promoting access to essential medicine through evidence pertaining to essential medicines in Zambia. MedRAP hosts an advocacy and dissent platform called Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA Zambia) which constitutes stakeholders drawn from the Ministry of Health, Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority, Medical Stores Limited, Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia as well as Civil Society Organizations that are allied to the health agenda.

At district level, MeTA operates in 5 provinces namely Southern, Lusaka, Central, Copperbelt and North Western Provinces. It is organised through Local MeTA Networks (LMNs) composed of local/ grassroot civil society organizations, health providers, media and community leaders. The LMNs drive the advocacy and lobby agenda based on empiric evidence of research. At district level, MedRAP also works with the interdenominational Pastor’s Fellowship groups, Chiefs and traditional leaders by conducting training, dissemination workshops and advocacy outreaches to highlight the broader role of the church and traditional leaders in promoting Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and health messaging especially for under privileged women and adolescents mostly in the rural parts of the country.

Our Location

Medicines Research and Access Platform ( MedRAP)
Plot 24  Lechwe Park
Ibex Hill
Lusaka, Zambia
+260 977 820 640
Email: info@medrapzambia.org


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